How People Are Selling Their House In The ‘Yelp’ Generation
We live in a society where we have access to convenient options for almost every service. Remember when parents told their kids not to talk to strangers on the Internet or get into strangers’ cars? Now with Uber, we use the Internet to summon strangers so we can get in their cars!
Only a few years ago, if we wanted some food delivered, what were our options? Domino’s and Chinese food, and we had to look their numbers up and call them directly. Now, just open up your GrubHub app. Or if that’s not your thing, you’re free to try Postmates, Doordash, RushOrder, UberEATS, Google Express, or dozens of others.
Open up your phone, and with a few clicks your food is on its way. Nearly everything is getting easier, we can even pay our taxes now with TurboTax, and most people get news from their social media. Soon, you won’t even have to leave your house.
We all know that’s how it is with most services, but why can’t we have our way like that with everything? There are so many services today that are slow and inconvenient as molasses. Going to the DMV is like pulling teeth. We still have to sit in long lines at the bank and the grocery store. Who’s to say that we can’t follow this hyper convenient service economy to its logical conclusion?
A Streamlined Home Selling Service
We here at {{{investor name}}} have a bold idea. We wanted to take one of the most important parts of peoples’ lives, and streamline the process. We’re talking about the long and complicated process of selling your home.
There are so many hoops a homeowner has to jump through in order to sell their home. First, they have to find the right Realtor®. Then they have to get an appraisal of their home. Does your house need repairs? Well, the Realtor® may tell the homeowner that they won’t put it on the market unless the repairs are made! So you may not even be given the option to put your home on the market unless you sink tens of thousands of dollars of your own money into your home! Why should those be your costs to bear? Why shouldn’t those costs be shifted to the buyer?
Now you’ve finally gotten your home to market. We hate to tell you this, but that was the easy part. Now you may have to wait months and months before you find a buyer at your price. Not everyone has time for that. What if you’ve been offered a job in another city, are you really prepared to trust your home, and all of that capital with it, with a distant real estate agent? Or what if you’re going through a divorce? How are you going to split the profits from your home until you know what they are? During trying periods like these, the last thing a lot of people want is to have to wait even longer before they can part ways.
That’s Where We Can Help
We want to be your second option when working with a Realtor® just isn’t right for you. We make it as simple and easy as ordering a pizza.
First, just contact us and tell us your situation. Then one of our agents will come to your home, take a look, and give you an estimate. If you accept our offer, we can give you cash in a matter of days.
We’re not saying we’re the right choice for everyone. We’re not promising you a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But it’s all about keeping your options open. We’re always here. We don’t make promises we can’t keep, but we know you’ll be impressed by our professionalism and our respect, and you will walk away happy that you worked with us.
Contact us for a free, no-risk quote within 24 hours.
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