One of the most-asked questions from anybody who is preparing to sell a property is whether or not selling their home during the holidays is a good idea. There are many schools of thought in regards to the sale of property during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to the New Year. And sadly, there is no right or wrong answer to this question that has plagued the Real Estate industry for years. However, there are some good advantages and disadvantages that any smart home seller should consider when thinking about whether or not they should sell their Richmond home during the holidays.
Let’s be positive and start with some of the advantages to selling your home during the holiday season.
Advantages of Selling Your Home During the Holidays
#1: The Market is Usually Quiet During the Holidays.
Many people never consider this fact, but for the most part, the home sales market is slowest during the holiday season. So this is a great reason why you should sell your home during the holiday season. This is mainly due to most homeowners not wanting to move during the beginning of winter and holidays. However, the reason this is a positive advantage for a homeowner looking to sell is that when your property is listed during a non-peak season, you will receive more attention.
People need to find new homes to live in all year long. And unfortunately, sometimes a job promotion or transfer does not consider the holidays or if it is cold outside. There always are people who need to buy homes all year long, so why not list the property during the holiday season (especially prior to the holidays – like late October or early November)
#2: Properties Are Easier to Maintain in the Holiday Season.
Traditionally, your front and back yards are much easier to maintain during the holiday season and this becomes a good time to sell a property. Many consumer groups believe that one of the first impressions a prospective homeowner makes is the condition of the front yard as they pull up. If the grass is not growing (as this is often the case in October, November and December), this means less time having to keep the yard in perfect condition. Another easy reason why when you ask if you should sell my home during the holidays, a good answer should be yes.
However, there are a few disadvantages to selling your Richmond home during that time of the year.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selling Your Home During the Holidays
#1: Sales Are Slow During the Winter.
Just as we mentioned above that there are fewer listings and your property would gain higher exposure, the drawback is that fewer people in the market to buy your home during the holiday season. According to recent statistics, summer sales are 200% higher than sales in winter, but that tends to be based on multiple reasons such as children’s school requirements and weather.
#2: Selling during the holidays reduces your opportunity to enjoy the holiday season.
Another reason why you might not want to sell your Richmond home during the holidays is simply that you won’t have as much time to enjoy the holidays, decorate your home or have friends and family over for the holiday season.
As you can see, there are both pros and cons to whether or not you should sell your home during the holidays. If selling your house is the best decision for your family contact We Buy Houses Richmond Home Buyers today to learn more about how we can help.
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